Thursday, February 12, 2009


You probably know about the therasuit developed in the United States and based on the Adeli Suit. This was a byproduct from the Soviet space program. They developed this suit for adults to provide deep pressure and resistance to movement for the cosmonauts while afloat in space to keep their muscles from getting weaker and to stimulate the bones. Well this suit is now available in clinics and for at home to strengthen children with CP. It gives them stability and allows some of them to move through space (walk) with external support. I would say it is an extraskeletal support system comparable in function to Theratogs. The advantage of the theratogs is that you can wear it all day under your clothes. Some clinics do use both together. The therasuit in therapy and at home and the theratogs the rest of the time. Check it out and learn more at the association for intense therapy.

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